Galley Bay Resort and Spa, Grays’s Farm Main Rd, Antigua and Barbuda.
Coordinates in degrees decimal: N 17.122066, E -61.891647
Visited in July 2015.
Galley Bay sits on the west coast of Antigua but the, almost one kilometre long, beach faces NNW. Average daily temperatures are lowest, at 25C, between January and February, with maximum average temperature of 28C between June and September. Seawater temperatures are 26C, between January and April, rising to maximum of 29C in September. Rainfall, which could affect visibility, is at a maximum in September to November, with 135mm falling per month.
Strongest winds, apart from hurricane season (generally August to October), can be up to 35knts although generally below 17knts. These winds, however, are from the east, with very little, if any winds, from the east and north east. Despite the sheltered conditions on the west coat of the island, increased wave heights can occur, particularly on the western end of the beach, during the November to April period, due to regionally raised swell conditions.
Although having suffered hurricane damage in the past and with evident effects of sedimentation, this bay has an interesting and varied fauna and flora, with over 110 species recorded during our visit in 2105. New growths of Acropora species suggests improving conditions and coral recovery.
Prepared with the support of the resort.