Pinewood Beach Resort and Spa. Diani, Kenya.
Coordinates in degrees decimal: N -4.376621, E 39.554640
Visited in April, 2009. Photographer: Nigel Thomas. Cameras: Sea & Sea 1G with DX1G housing
Several areas can easily be snorkelled, directly off the beach at the Pinewood Resort. These generally consist of shallow seagrass bed, however, dotted amongst these are areas of rocky outcrop, with associated coral growth and numerous fish species. The area is also notable for good echinoderm species (starfish and urchins).
Produced without the support of the resort.
An extensive intertidal area is evident at low water, the lowest part of which is heavily covered by growths of small algae.
Swimming straight out (50- 100m at low water), from the beach directly in front of the restaurant area, over extensive seagrass beds, will bring you to one of the rock outcrops.
The rocky outcrops are surrounded by seagrass and covered with urchins and corals, as well as attracting numerous different fish species.
Good examples of the fish species attracted to the rocks are these juvenile Teira batfish.
Also watch out for the numerous Firefish, which you should avoid touching!
An extensive intertidal area is evident at low water, the lowest part of which is heavily covered by growths of small algae.
Swimming straight out (50- 100m at low water), from the beach directly in front of the restaurant area, over extensive seagrass beds, will bring you to one of the rock outcrops.
The rocky outcrops are surrounded by seagrass and covered with urchins and corals, as well as attracting numerous different fish species.
Good examples of the fish species attracted to the rocks are these juvenile Teira batfish.
Also watch out for the numerous Firefish, which you should avoid touching!