Resort Details
- Name and address of the resort
- Exact geographic position (Lat Long in Degrees and decimal seconds).
- Date or dates visited
- Name of the photographer
- Camera equipment used
- Website address of the resort
- Description of habitats with images
- Entry and exit points
Species Details
Species images at each resort are presented in order, based on a combination of taxonomy and appearance, i.e. not a strictly taxonomic order. The species groups are listed below with illustrated examples of the range of species included:
Algae and Seagrasses
Anemones and Sea Firs
Soft Corals and Gorgonians
Hard Corals and Coral like species
Worms and worm like species
Sea Squirts
Reef and seabed associated fish
Mid and Open-water fish
Some cross over is evident within the fish groups (Open water versus Reef associated), so check across both groups at each resort. I have yet to acquire any good Marine Mammal images, but live in hope. Some of you may have noticed that one of the largest taxonomic groups, the Bryozoa, is missing. More on these when I can spot them!
I have endeavoured to give the correct name to each image, but clearly some species are difficult to pin down, particularly the sponges, which generally require laboratory samples to verify. As a result in all cases I have erred on the side of caution. If either the genus or species name is in doubt it is preceded by a question mark ? I am happy to be corrected by anyone who thinks that I have made a mistake. Please use the contact page to get back to me.
Species and habitat descriptors
These include:
- Common name (bold text). Variable depending on the part of the world.
- Most appropriate taxonomic classification, within Phylum, Class or Order is also included (normal text).
- Scientific name (italic). Generally consistant but subject to update by taxonomic authorities.
An indication of size is given, where appropriate: VL = very large (>2m), L = large (>0.5m to 2m), M = medium (>0.2m to 0.5m), S = small (5cm to 20cm), VS = very small < 5cm.
Habitat information is provided, either in full or as abbreviations, including: Rocky Reef features (Rf), Coral Reef features (Cr), Boulders (B), Mixed sediment seabed including coral debris (Mx), Sand (Sa), Mud (M), Silt (Si), Seagrass (Sg), Algae (Ag). Open water (Ow), Surf zone (Sz), Intertidal (It).